14 September 2023
Good people!
So I’ve been holding off on making this announcement, but we are officially ready to let it fly…
“K for the Way” Book Launch
Thursday, October 19, 2023 from 6:30p-8:00p
Harlem School of the Arts
645 St. Nicholas Avenue
New York, NY 10030
Admission is FREE! Books will be on sale and available for signing.
Please be sure to RSVP at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/k-for-the-way-book-launch-with-todd-craig-tickets-718731494247
This has been a moment that’s TEN years in the making! So I’m excited that it’s almost here. Come through and check it out!
And stay tuned…there will be more events coming to celebrate the release of “K for the Way”!